View Profile TheJaredWilcurt

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Recent Movie Reviews

9 Movie Reviews

Excellent story, concept, animation, character design, and execution. Keep makin' stuff.

I'm not a big fan of the song, but it's definitely not bad, like 6.5/10. But the use of animation with it works really well. I feel like there's a bit too much recycling of work though. The walk cycle is so short that its constantly looping just comes across as lazy where as the obvious intent is to showcase the monotony of the journey and the bears determination. The sort of sloppiness to the style of the drawings works in it's favor but only so much. When such a central part of the animation is "walk to the right", you need to try drawing it again so that it can interrupt the repetitiveness, or just make the walk cycle much longer.

I kept wondering how you were going to end it, and was pleasantly surprised. I didn't feel like the animation was too long at all or boring, which seems to what others are saying, it just let the focus go to the music and didn't try to compete too much for the attention.

The execution is flawed, but the work as a whole is decent. Work harder on the next project, no more lazy animating.

dylan responds:

This song's not necessarily my favorite of theirs either, but the tone matched up too well to pick another. That's some damn good advice for me to keep in mind next time I'm working on something in this sort of style, and I'm glad to see that you got the idea behind making it a very somber, monotonous journey.

My original intent was to have a different walk cycle at each stage of the journey, starting with the regular one and finishing with a labored limp, but time was my better; the walk cycles ended up being one of the artistic sacrifices that I needed to make in order to meet the deadline. Thanks for the awesome critique!

green screen fail on epona during the opening credits

Recent Game Reviews

13 Game Reviews

If you want your game to have clear "you must do this to beat a level" objective. then don't flash CHOICE CHOICE in the first 5 seconds of the game, just to say after two screens "The choice you made doesn't let you play anymore". That's not a choice. If you give me a scary demon monster, I'm going to use it to eat villagers and sheep. That's like, the whole point of a demon wolf thing with teeth the size children.

If you simply take out the word "CHOICE" this would make the game anything above a zero. blammed for utter stupidity of developer.

Heads up to the author, the game is unplayable on lower end machines. Game freezes up on my netbook due to to much CPU usage of the game. Consider adding in quality settings that effect things beyond the quality of vector rendering (right-click > quality >low had no effect, still froze up. If you're using any movie clips that have post rendering done to them (adjusting hue/sat/dropshadow/etc), have an option to disable them. Anything that is being blurred in real time by flash is a huge framerate killer on even decent machines, but on weak ones it makes the swf unplayable. You can still maintain the same look by prerendering it. You'd need to create a 24-bit transparent .png file of the effect, rather than having flash just generate it. then overlay the png as just a regular graphic (or movie clip) and have it's opacity animated. Would increase filesize, but decrease cpu cycles for end users. You could counter act this though by starting the game once only the elements that are required to play the first level have downloaded. By the time you get to the end of that level, the rest of the elements should be done. You could put a 1 frame of code to check at the end of that level, if the user is on dial-up they would just wait for the download to finish at the end of that level.

Also I should note the freezing up occurs on the third stage (with the door, then ledge, then huge drop) in normal view. And it especially occurs in the J view on all prior levels. So whatever you're doing in J view it's really effecting slower machines.

Controls make it unplayable. I had to break out Xpadder and a SNES pad just to make it even partially playable, but even that didn't save it. Unplayable game.

MintPaw responds:

You're unplayable!

Recent Audio Reviews

1 Audio Review

well done

I've been listening through accoustic stuff on here, this is the first thing I felt like rating (0-5). the only thing wrong with it is that it should keep going for about 9 minutes before it loops. but at least it loops well.

Jared Wilcurt @TheJaredWilcurt

Age 39, Male


graduated from college


Joined on 3/18/07

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